Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The New English

A new class was introduced this year to the Foundation students. This course was previously called Composition & Critical Thinking and was changed to WIDA: Writing in the Digital Age. Instead of writing three essays now you write one Critical Essay and you do a Multimodal Project, focusing on using different medias like video, comic strips, blogs and etc. to evaluate, develop and express your critical thinking on one issue.

I just finished this course and loved it! For our Multimodal Project, we were told to use any medium to further explore what we wrote about in the previous assignment, the Critical Essay. The issues/topics ranged from identity to consumption, from advertising to movies. Here are a couple of the final projects:

Nizzed On

Niz started this blog wanting to replicate the fabulous fashion blogs she followed. However, when she asked herself, "What does my life and my viewpoint have in common with that of those fabulous fashion bloggers?" she ended up creating a blog more truly reflective of her real experience.


Art School Dropout

My group chose to create a cheesy movie trailer to play with the topic of television and what we like to watch. Our thesis was "Art school is filled with crazy, obscene drama which can lead to murder." Our target audience was our fellow classmates at Otis. Making the trailer was an exercise in critical thinking for it forced us to constantly analyze and cut out anything that did not express our thesis.



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