Tuesday, March 25, 2014

MH370 Missing!

The investigation into the bizarre disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with its 239 missing passengers will go down as a landmark in the history of aviation safety. With all the technological advances of the 21st century, no one could imagine how a big jet could vanish. With highly computerized flight decks, satellite communications, and 21st century tracking systems, it seems ridiculous the finalized search of the flight took over two weeks long. The fact it did will raise an endless array of questions the Malaysian government will have to answer to. 

The response from the Malaysian government however, was heartbreaking. Before the public announcement by the Prime Minister, relatives of the victims received a text message from them saying, “We have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived.” I think this tops the worst way on how to break bad news. 

The nonchalant response from Malaysian Airline and the government of Malaysia has garnered great skepticism and complaints from the public and the relatives of the passengers. All week long there have been countless accusations made against the pilot, the captain, and two flight members with stolen passports. The week long teaser, however, ended with a simple, “I’m sorry, your beloved ones did not survive.” The family members are definitely not going to be appeased unless they receive more information and evidence on exactly what has happened. Especially since we have as of yet no physical evidence of the plane's fate.

So what happens now? I think this event has increased the public’s ire and has shown the incompetence of the Malaysian government. This event has yet to reach an ending, in fact, according to the NY Times, the families of the passengers have presented, "a Malaysian diplomat with a scathing statement saying...(they) would regard Malaysian leaders and the state-controlled operator of the flight, Malaysia Airlines, to be “murderers” if it emerged that missteps had led to the deaths of their loved ones."

- Emily & Stephanie -


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