Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I've had the best of Thanksgiving, the worst of Thanksgiving. From my first Thanksgiving where I was introduced to the delights of Ocean Spray cranberry jelly on a hunk of turkey smothered in brown gravy to my last where the East Coast Evangelical Christian side of the family nearly came to blows with the LGBT communist-hippes from San Fran, Thanksgiving has always been a pleasure or a pain. 

In 200 words or less tell us your BEST or your WORST Thanksgiving tale. 
Send to Ozineotis@gmail.com by Monday, Nov 25th
Include your name, year (if you are a student) and major or department.
Subject : Thanksgiving 

Open to Everyone at Otis! 

We'll pick the best of the Best and the Worst and post it before Thanksgiving. Winners will get Otis Swag and bragging rights.
We'll get the pleasure of printing your tales!

the folks at Ozine


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