Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Otis Style

Fashion is not all about wearing all the things that you like all at once, sometime it’s about how you use one thing to make your whole outfit pop. I have been known to wear boring clothes that becomes a cool outfit by adding one single item. It’s a fashion skill that someone has to learn and it’s the fashion tip I want to explain for this week.

Her outfit is popping because of her Simpson sweater. Her sweater stands out because she matches it with black leggings and shoes, which makes her outfit playful.

Instead of wearing leather shoes, he choose this brown suede to match his whole outfit which makes his outfit classy.

This girl has a similar technique to the first girl, but does it in a much simpler way. She uses the contrast of her white jeans against her black outfit to make it stand out. 

Her top is a nice silhouette and her roll up sleeves accentuate her tattoos.

Another simple way to make an outfit is to simplify it. This girl's outfit is just a dress with a bold pattern and a simple pair of shoes. It works because the simplicity of the shoes keeps the outfit from clashing.

This girl’s outfit is very fashionable because she wear a complex white shirt with a black skirt, socks, and leather boots. 

A simple t shirt and shorts with a colorful sweater make her whole outfit look very cute and charming.

- Maggie -


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