Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Valentine's Day is all about love. But a good love story is timeless. Where would we be without Romeo & Juliet or Katniss & Peeta or Kim & Kanye?

So, whether you are happy because you've met your soul mate and you'll never have to troll another meat market or sad because you've lost the only person who'll love you even when you're having a tantrum worthy of a toddler, we are calling for love stories.

In 200 words or less tell us your love story.

Send to
by Monday, Feb 17th
Subject : Love Story

Include your name, year (if you are a student) and major or department.

Open to Everyone at Otis!

We'll pick TWO. 
One that lifts our hearts 
One that breaks our hearts 
and post it next week. 
Winners will get Otis Swag and bragging rights.
We'll get the pleasure of printing your beautiful stories!

- the folks at Ozine -


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