Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We want your Halloween Selfies! 

1st Prize - Otis Swag & Gift Card
2nd, 3rd, 4th Prize - Starbucks Card

Send your Selfies to 
by November 10th! 

ALL Selfies will be published on Ozine on Nov 11th, especially the winners!

When sending in your Selfies, don’t forget to include your name, major and year. If you are a staff or faculty member, include your name and department. 

Happy Halloween!

- The Folks at Ozine -

It all happened on a typical day in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, when the sky was blue with puffy white clouds. My mom received a call on her cellphone from Marina, our live-in housekeeper who was calling her from home. Marina was complaining how she felt “very sick." My mom told Marina to take the day off and lay down. Marina continued to call my mom repeating how she, “did not feel well and something was wrong." On the fifth call she said, “Your family is going to die”.

While my mom was panicked she had to pick my sister, Megan, from pre-school before she could go home. When my mom and Megan returned home, Megan walked to her room and on the way to her room, she passed the hall bathroom where Marina was standing in the doorway looking towards the ground. Megan yelled out “Hi Marina!” But Marina ignored her and my sister kept repeating her greeting until Marina jumped at Megan with her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Megan screamed and ran straight to her room.

My mom went to see why my sister was screaming and heard strange sounds coming from the hall bathroom. When she walked in she realized that Marina was standing in front of the shower praying. My mom called out her name and Marina jumped out at my mom. She looked hideous! She had chewed off her lips and there was blood running down her chin and her eyes were all white. She was also speaking in an unfamiliar language. A language that was neither English nor Marina's native Spanish.

My mom ran upstairs where my dad was on a business call. My mom was in shock and could barely speak. When my dad ran downstairs and tried to help Marina, she continuously hit him, screamed, scratched, and tried biting him.

Finally my parents called 911. The fire department, paramedics, and police arrived shortly. Two paramedics tried to carry Marina out of the bathroom, but she was “unnaturally strong” and resisted them. Marina was a petite 5 ft. tall woman.

It took 3 firefighters, 4 policemen to get her out of our home and into an ambulance.

We never heard from Marina again. All we know is that she ended up in a mental hospital in Columbia.

Fifteen years later when my mom was renovating my bedroom she found a dried out frog with its eyes and mouth sewn shut, hidden under my drawers.

- Taylor -

Here's a favorite Halloween treat to brighten up your scary night. Only takes 20 minutes of your life!

- Tommy  & Amarilis -

Jack O’ Lanterns are a fun Halloween tradition where kids and adults alike carve and decorate pumpkins for the Halloween season. But just where did the idea of Jack O’ Lanterns come from?

It all started with an Irish myth about a man named Stingy Jack. According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil over for a drink. Being true to his name, Stingy Jack did not want to pay so he tricked the Devil into turning into a coin so he may pay for the drinks that way. The Devil complied,

but Jack decided to keep the money and put it in his pocket with his other silver coins. This prevented the Devil from changing himself back. Jack made a deal with the devil that he would free the Devil if he did not bother Jack for one year, and if Jack should die during that time, the Devil would not claim his soul. The Devil agreed and Jack freed him. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing a tree to get some fruits. Whilst the Devil was up in the tree, Jack carved a cross into the tree so the Devil couldn’t come down unless he promised not to bother Jack for the next ten years and not to claim his soul if he should die during that time. The Devil agreed but soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God did not want someone as unsavory as Jack in Heaven, so he turned him away. The Devil, true to his word, would not claim Jack’s soul for Hell, but upset by the tricks Jack played on him, the Devil sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved turnip and has been roaming the Earth with it ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern” which was then simplified to “Jack O’Lantern.”

In Ireland and Scotland, people made their own versions of this story by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to scare away Stingy Jack and other wandering spirits. When immigrants from these countries came to the Americas, with them they brought the Jack o’ lantern tradition and they soon found out that pumpkins, a native fruit to America, make perfect Jack o’ lanterns.

So go out and get a pumpkin. Decorate or carve it for the fun of it but remember, Stingy Jack roams the Earth to this day. Maybe a Jack o’ lantern or two can keep you safe from harm this dark Halloween night.

- April -

From the distroted mind of a sleep deprived Digital Media Major comes the tale of two, twisted brothers.

- Manami -

Edward Mordrake Part 1

This week's episode is spookier than the last, because there are some ghastly elements that weren't included before. It begins with Dr. Mansfield and his assistant, Miss Rothschild, bringing in a specimen to the American Morbidity Museum. After an evaluation from an appraiser, it becomes apparent that the specimen is a fake, as well as the doctor's credentials. Even so, the museum docent urges him to find a specimen for her at a freak show because her museum exhibits have gotten stale. This leads the doctor and his assistant to Jupiter, Florida where Elsa Mars' freaks reside and perform.

Seems he's more of a swindler than a doctor

Back at the freak show, Jimmy's mother is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver with only six months to live. This makes her grumpy and consume excessive amounts of alcohol. Jimmy returns to the tent after digging Meep's grave, unaware of his mother's situation. Seeing Jimmy's sadness about Meep's death, the twins Dot and Bette, suggest they dedicate the night's show to Meep. Being that it's Halloween, this riles up the freaks and they tell the twins of Edward Mordrake, and why no freak show ever performs on Halloween. They don't want Edward the ghost to haunt and murder them.

Handsome, until you see the other side of him.

Edward was an Englishman of noble birth who was a scholar, a poet, and a musician. His one flaw was that he had a face on the back of his head that would constantly whisper hellish things only Edward could hear. Edward tried to kill the face many times, but no matter what it wouldn't die. His family admitted him to an asylum, where he soon escaped and then joined a freak show. One day he snapped, killed all of the freaks, and hung himself. But even in death, his second face continued to smile.

We are returned to Dandy's life, and when he finds out that there's a Halloween curfew and that his mother made him a Howdy-Doody outfit, he becomes enraged and tries to force his maid, Dora, to clean up the mess he made. Dora sharply and directly tells him that she works for his mother. Dandy, in a fit of anger, begins to create his own costume.

Pretty ballsy for a maid

The assistant Ms. Rothschild is re-introduced as a psychic, Esmeralda, and is brought to Elsa. While beginning a reading on a skeptical Elsa, Rothschild sneakily glances around the room to see what information she can get. With this in mind, she gives Elsa an amazing reading and is soon hired. Rothschild then calls the doctor and tells him that she doesn't want to stay there, saying that the freaks are all she can think of now. He insists that she murder the twins and bring them as a specimen for the museum.

Now, don't think that I forgot Twisty. His creepiness only escalates with each episode. This time he first appears behind some bushes while a little girl is trick or treating. She of course notices him, while her mother ignores the her concerns, and her brother teases her. Later he kidnaps her him. That's what the brother gets for bullying his little sister.

Wow, that's a good costume Twisty!

Towards the end of the episode Elsa practices a routine because of the information she got from her psychic reading, despite her knowledge of Edward Mordrake. In the middle of her practicing,
a strange man, who we all know is Edward, except for the characters in the show, walks into the tent. Even though there's a green fog that surrounds him, Elsa doesn't find him to be suspect at
all. I mean it's pretty obvious he's a ghost, he's dressed in an 1800's outfit. Who still wore those in the fifties?

Green fog, top hat, and a weird outfit. But still no one has a clue about who he is

- Jackie -

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Who are you?


1. Comic Con Fanatics

Love for anime led them to want to draw big eyed and highly rendered cartoons. They love Japan but their ancestors hail from the midwest. They love tiny trinkets dressing up in costume and Hi-Chew.

2. The Gamer

This student has GameStop on speed dial. They show their devotion and loyalty to their videogame by owning several t-shirts of it. Since they can rip you a new one on any video game console they have above average confidence - at least in the virtual world.

3. The Artist

Their wardrobe looks like a compilation of Jackson Pollock paintings. Unfortunately, its all blue jeans with paint splatters on them. You see them all around campus carrying supplies gearing up for their next masterpiece.

Tip: Invest in an apron.

4. The “Grandparent”

This student is old, seriously older than your parents. But hey, it’s never too late to get educated and expand your horizons.

5. Educated Gang$taa

They wear baggy pants and baggy jackets. They wear their hat to the side and headphones over it like Eminem from the movie 8 Mile.

6. Indie-Hip

This student is craving the munchies right about now. Luckily, $8 chai tea lattes and cigarettes are a great way to suppress your hunger. They're all vegan, recycled, fair trade canvas hemp shoes remind you that everything is alright, man.

7. The Punks

This student embraces the darker side of life. We can all learn something from that.

8. The Fashionistas

“What’s the big occasion? Nothing, why? I thought it was fashion week?” Seeing a fashion student is like seeing a unicorn, good luck. But if you do, make sure to ask them for some fashion advice.

9. The Disney Clan

I get it Walt Disney was a genius but just like in Toy Story, Andy had to grow up. Luckily you’re not alone, Otis is a place where it is cool to be a member of the Disney Clan.

10. The Weekend Warrior

This student works nonstop and doesn’t sleep all week due to “the workload.” Monday through Friday you can find them working vigorously at Otis or at home but when Saturday rolls by you can see them pounding shots and dancing to EDM somewhere.


Halloween Week


It's about that time again. Halloween is here! 

Otis College of Art and Design will be holding three different events on campus during the week of Halloween along with a daytrip to one of Southern California's most unique haunting experiences. All students, facility and staff are encouraged to join us to take a break away from homework and work and have some fun dancing, dressing up, eating candy, winning prizes, getting crafty, listening to music, watching movies, and going to the Queen Mary's Dark Harbor Halloween Event in Long Beach.


Dead Week Crafting

When: October 28, Tuesday 11AM
Where: The quad area outside the Galef Building

Create your own Voodoo-doll and make a Day of the Dead flowers while listening to music and enjoying snacks provided by Otis Student Activities.

Halloween Movie Night

When: October 29, Wednesday 7:30 PM
Where: The lawn area outside the Galef Building

Get cozy by wearing your pajamas, and bringing your pillows and blankets to the lawn area outside of the Galef Building. Munch on treats while getting the bejeesus scared out of you!

Halloween Day Events

When: October 31, Friday 11:30AM
Where: The lawn area outside the Galef Building

Wear your Halloween costume to school! The participants with the best costumes will receive prizes. Don't forget your dancing shoes, because there will be a dance off! Student Bite and Flight will be across campus. We will be participating in the college-wide office decorating contest. Be sure to get your candy and treats!

The Queen Mary's Dark Harbor: 
Evil Lurks Within

When: October 30th, Thursday
Departing from Otis at 5PM
Where: The Queen Mary, Long Beach CA

Otis is taking a trip to Queen Mary's Dark Harbor. This year's Dark Harbor is
full of new attractions, such as two new mazes and a new Voodoo Village. It is
an event full of terror, food, live entertainment, rides, monsters, mazes, DJs and
bands, drag shows, and new freak shows! The bus will be departing from Otis at
5 PM and returning from the Dark Harbor at 8:30PM. Sign up to join a night 
of fun and terror in Ahmanson Room B02!

- Apsen -
twisty the clown

Freak Show Episode 2:

This episode really begins to develop the story and plot, while cleaning up some details that were left hanging in the last episode. This episode also proves itself to be a lot creepier. Here we are introduced with several new characters, as well as their background stories. These characters, the Strong Man and his wife, who is a hermaphrodite with three breasts, are very pitiable when they first appear at the circus but as the episode goes on we come to know their past history of violence and carnage.

Now aren't they the spitting image of a carny couple?

As the show continues, they prove to be nothing but trouble for Elsa Mars and the rest of her freaks. The Strong Man is headstrong and decides that he wants the Freak Show to begin at an earlier hour, but when challenged by Mars he immediately becomes controlling and brutal. Seeing this, Jimmy Darling, The Lobster Boy decides that the Strong Man is bad news and needs to leave. Jimmy's unsuccessful plan leaves a very lovable character, Meep the Geek, in jail where he is murdered. Even though Meep bit the heads off of chickens, he didn't seem like such a bad guy.

See, a little off­-putting, but not so bad.

Twisty the Clown who was a maniac to begin with becomes even scarier. As soon as the episode begins, we find that he has already beheaded a toy shop owner, and soon kills a concerned employee. After putting the man's head in his bag, he continues on his way only to be hired by a very wealthy woman, who has a very bored son. In order to please him, she hires Twisty and brings him home with her.

Does he really seem like the type of clown you'd want to hire and bring home?

After a short play date, Twisty leaves the mansion without killing the boy, surprisingly enough, and leaves to go home. When he arrives, his captives try to escape and his mask slips off, and we discover why he never speaks or takes his mask off. Despite his horrifying appearance, the wealthy boy has taken an odd liking to Twisty, and helps him re­capture his captives. Twisty is truly the full package, disturbing, disgusting, and a murderer all in one clown.

What we all thought was scary with a mask, is even scarier without one.

The costume designs for this season are my favorites, compared to the previous ones. The outfits are very fitting for the time period that it takes place in, and they boost the quality of the episodes. The best costume in my opinion is, of course, Twisty the Clown's. His costume is dirty and dingy, but still looks believable as an old­-timey clown costume. What he wears in each episode adds to his appeal, and makes him increasingly macabre. The best part of his outfit would have to be the nasty pom poms and droopy ruffle collar. I mean, look at how mangy they look. No child would want to be near that.



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hello! My name is Clover Clemans and my partner is April Lee. We are sophomores in Toy Design. This is the first video in a series exploring design problems. We start with what we know best, Toy Design.

We'd like to start a dialogue on the design problems we have and maybe even come up with solutions.
You can also send an email to: cclemans@student.otis.edu

Reporter: Clover Clemans
Director and Editor: April Lee
Film Crew: Jackie Wong
Shelby Johnson

After our article "Art School. Art Store?" came out we heard rumors that in fact there was an art store planned as part of the new campus expansion. So, we sat down with a member of Senior Team, Dr. Laura Kiralla, Assistant Vice President for Student Success and Dean of Student Affairs, and asked her the hard questions.

Us: Is there going to be an art store?

Dr. Kiralla: Yes, yes, yes!…We know there’s a need. That’s why, in our campus improvement project, we’ve been ensuring that absolutely there will be a store.

Us: Where is it going to be?

Dr. Kiralla: The plans are still in flux. Ideally, it’s probably going to be in the Ahmanson building first floor. The first floor of this building is going to be reconfigured so it’ll be centralized, but if you know anything about architectural plans and improvement plans, things constantly get juggled around. But it’ll be central so…it’ll be accessible for students.

Us: What products will the store sell?

Dr. Kiralla: We don't know and we’re going to need student voice on that. All of the campus improvement project will open Fall of 2016 so we have still some distance. When we get closer to breaking ground and plans become finalized, we’re going to pull students in to say, “Ok. We have the space. We’re calling it a store.  What do you want in the store?” I think what’s going to be important when we look at art supplies is that we’re going to need your voice to tell us what are the supplies that we need to have on hand. Because it’s not going to be a Blick of Graphaid. You know, we can’t become a big art store but we want grab-and-go [items], the essentials. Where someone’s like oh, I just need to run downstairs and get…pencils or a kneaded eraser, and quickly grab [those items]. We want to make sure it has that. And it will also have Otis branded gear. [We will also have] convenience items. You know, when you go into a store and there’s packs of gum and chips, so there will be some snacky things like that too.

       Campus improvement
 will be done and ready for use
 Fall of  2016

Us: Do you think the cafe will be mad about that?

Dr. Kiralla : That is all changing as well. [more information can be found at http://www.otis.edu/campus-improvement-process]  Part of the new footprint includes a whole new dining hall so our dining features will change. It will be like what you see on other campuses and other art and design schools. So there will be a dining hall. There will also be a grab and go cafe so, like the Starbucks cafe, it’ll also have juices and hot soups. It’s not going to be a Starbucks we don’t believe. We’re looking at Groundworks. We think Groundworks [might be] a better coffee to serve, so we’re looking at all of these types of things.

Us: Who would run and manage the store? Perhaps students?

Dr. Kiralla: Absolutely. We haven’t decided who we’re going to outsource with [yet]. You outsource with a large college dining company and then they bring in student managers and they’ll train the students. I’m in favor of more jobs on campus to keep students working on campus. And especially because we’re talking late hours so I’d rather have you all in the coffee shop at 10 o’clock at night. I also think it’s great for community building. You know, students can come in and be like “Hey Shelby.”

Us: Can students and teachers suggest supplies?

Dr. Kiralla: Yes. Anyone can suggest supplies… We need feedback. To have some of those [mandatory choice] items in our bookstore and available is going to be important.

Anyone can
suggest art supplies.

Us: Who will be the supplier?

Dr. Kiralla: We don’t know yet. That’s going to be in a bit so any art supply store in the area is called a request for proposal. They will have to come to the table and do that so it’s up to them to package it for us. And then we’ll decide what is going to be the best for our students so it’s too early to know that. But do students have an opinion of an art store? We want it to be able to fit what you all can afford.

Us: Will students be able to order particular supplies?

Dr. Kiralla: We haven't thought about that. To order specific things. But here’s the thing. If we have a brand name so lets say we do end up getting Blick or Graphaids then they're doing a satellite store so they could easily go back to their larger stores. Yes. I could see that working out.

So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. We are officially getting an art store! And again if you'd like to know more about the campus improvements you can visit: http://www.otis.edu/campus-improvement-process 

- Shelby & Jackie -



Dodge ball is a game in which players on two teams throw balls at each other. When you're hit you're out! The last team with the last person standing is the winner!  
In the United States, the game is typically played among people 6-12.

Come to the Otis Lawn and show off dodge ball skills during lunchtime!

The Human Shield
When a dangerous opponent has the ball, use a weaker teammate as a shield.
The Ghost
Appear as small as possible while escaping the sight of your opponent
The Gymnast
Move your body into unforeseeable positions to catch hard to reach balls.
The Matrix
Defy gravity (and balls being thrown at you) by pulling a “Neo."

- Sunny -