Wednesday, December 11, 2013

When Christmas Came Early

Sometimes Christmas comes early and we count our blessings. Here are some stories to warm the cockles of your heart.

Growing up in a broken home, and always being out on my own from, I feel like this year the puzzles are starting to come together. I am getting closer to my mother, it is the first time I've ever been in love, and having a roof over my head is truly a blessing. I couldn't ask for more.
It was 2 a.m. in the morning and I was working on my final project for a 7 a.m. class when suddenly the glue that I'd been using to put together my project ran out half way through my project. I was panicking, thinking that I could never get this done on time. I even called my sister and asked her to check the local supermarkets for it. but they were mostly either closed or said they didn't carry glue. At that point, I almost broke down. Then my sister called me and said that Home Depot would be open at 5 a.m. that day. At exactly 4:45 a.m. I drove to Home Depot, got the glue, came home and finished my project half an hour before class started. It was definitely a close call, I may somewhat even call it a miracle that Home Depot opened at 5 a.m. and is located only 2 blocks away from where I live. 

Recently, my family decided to surprise me by adopting a new dog, which was incredibly thrilling! Her name is Abby, and she is a rescued border collie. Being an out-of-state student, I’m always thankful to come back home, and our new addition to the family is sure to make this winter break spent with those I care about especially warm and welcoming. 

I get to go back to my hometown, Seoul, Korea, right after I am done with this semester. While I am there in Korea, I will be able to spend time with my family whom I have not seen in a year. I also will get to spend time with my loving girlfriend who I miss.

am really glad and thankful that I am visiting during winter break so that I can meet my family again. I am also glad that I finished pretty good with my first semester at Otis College of Art and Design. Merry Christmas!

When I signed up for Obamacare and my family's insurance went from $1,300 to $750, Christmas indeed came early! I had been gouged for years because of a congential heart condition and now not only was I paying less, but the insurance industry could never penalize me again by refusing to insure me!

I live nearly an hour away from Otis, so there was the struggle with trying to find the time to do homework. Plus the money spent on gas was becoming an issue. I wasn't the one driving though, my dad was sweet enough to drive me to and from school almost every day of the week. No matter how tired he was, he never complained once and it's something I'll always look back on. Had it not been for him I would have probably quit. About a month ago it felt like everything was caving in.. it was a must to stay in school until pretty late so that I could use the computers and software. My dad was already doing enough for me so I didn't want him having to wait for so long because of me. Then one day I arrived from school and was surprised, my grandparents came to visit us from Mexico. I gave my grandma a hug, told her how I've been doing, and she stopped me in the middle of my sentence with, "We're gonna help you out and buy you a new car." I was at loss for words, and the only thing that came out were tears. It was also perfect timing as well because I had just gotten my license. Thanks to their gift, there's no need to stress as much anymore. I feel so blessed.. Christmas came early. 

My twin sister and I live on opposite coasts; she on the east and I in the west. This is our second year apart since we were born and last year she was only able to stay a couple of days over the holidays and it was the first time we didn't spend New Years or Christmas together. This year she's coming a week early and we'll be able celebrate together again!


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