Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Doggy De-Stress

You may have received an email about Brianne Yokatake’s senior project involving dogs at Otis for a way to relieve stress. What students need most is a way to relax and bringing in dogs is perfect! Although not everyone may be a dog person, statistics as well as the obvious show that a pup can change our whole attitude when it comes to how we act around others. 

I myself am from out of state and I have a miniature dachshund at home that I miss very much. This event will absolutely help me cope with my little friend not being here for my journey at Otis. I think Brianne’s idea is a brilliant one. We all know that pets make us feel welcomed or more relaxed, but taking it to the level of bringing this to everyone is something I haven't heard of before! This is almost like going to the adoption day at PetCo. and making a day of playing with pets! The only difference is these dogs are meant to help us and we don’t have to feel bad for petting them and not adopting them. 

This event is at the:
Otis Lawn
April 29th
11:00 - 12:30 am

In order to attend you must bring a children’s book that you can donate for Bark Therapy Dogs to help others feel less stressed and more comfortable!

- Jonathan Taylor -


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