Tuesday, April 8, 2014

STOP Cal Grant Cuts!

Beginning in the Fall of 2014, students who are and will attend a nonprofit university in California will experience a drastic change in their financial aid, specifically, in their Cal Grants.The Cal Grant program, which helps students pay for their tuition and other university expenses, will be cut by 11 percent. This means that there will be a $1,000 deduction from students’ financial aid.

Since 1955, the State of California has provided financial aid to students with low-income families.The Cal Grant program was initially formed to provide students who attend private, nonprofit schools with the money needed for attendance. It has since expanded its reach to helping students within the UC and Cal State school systems.  This means that if the State of California decides to approve educational budget cuts, many people, including myself, will be devastated.

The years of draconian cuts to education need to come to an end. If they continue, a lot of students will be affected and many might not continue to pursue their dreams. Especially since it has become more important now, more than ever, for high school graduates to attend college.

If you’re a person that receives a Cal Grant, like myself, then you need to stand up and fight for your education because if we don’t, then we might as well give up. California doesn’t need anymore-uneducated people. Even if you don’t receive any grants but care if your friends do, you can still sign the petition at Change.org. We still need 2,145 people to sign it, so spread the word and tell your friends. Make a difference in the world and PROTECT OUR CAL GRANT!


- Alexander -


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