Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Na Looks Back

Another year is almost over and many of the seniors are preparing to start a new life outside of Otis. All of you still in school waiting for the day you graduate, aren’t you a little curious about what it feels like to be a senior? Na Wang is a senior in fashion, but I’m sure her experience is shared by others in different departments. Na will share with us a little about her life at Otis. 

Aida: You have had the full four-year experience at Otis, could you share with us one of your most valuable experiences? 

Na: The most valuable experience I had at Otis was learning to manage my time. The fashion department is a very demanding program. It seems it doesn’t really allow the students to have a social life because of all the classes and work. However, as the years passed, I kept learning how to manage my time better. I was able to balance my school work and my social life so that I had time for both. 

Aida: We learn a lot in our classes about our major, but apart from the information we are required to learn, are there classmates or teachers who have taught you other things? 

Na: Yes, I learned a lot from one of my classmates. Arthur is very hard-working and talented student. I also learned from one of my closest friends Sabrina. 

Aida: From the four years at Otis, you’ve learned a lot about the difficulties that students have while trying to strive and be the best. What advice do you have for those who still have time till they graduate? 

Na: I would have to say, always be prepared and have a positive attitude. Sometimes your work is really hard and it doesn’t turn out nicely. Keep in mind to always move forward and don't give up. If you work hard and persevere, it will turn out the way you wanted it to. 

Aida: Thank you, Na. What is going through your mind now that you are a few days from graduation? 

Na: I’m really excited to graduate. It’s time to see what the fashion world is really like. I believe, after studying at Otis, I am fully prepared to face the fashion world.

Aida: So does that mean you have a job waiting for you after graduation? 

Na: I am looking forward to getting the job I want. I’ve already had my interviews, and hopefully I will get the job. 

Aida: I hope you get the job, but there’s one more questionWe have been doing all these articles on what goes on at the fashion campus, and I was curious. Why did you choose to take Ozine? 

Na:Writing for blogs is something I'd been wanting to do for many years. I am glad that I chose this class. I could do many things that I hadn’t done in my college years, such as making a video for my mentor project Isabel Toledo. Also, It is interesting to write about my classmates' experience and learned from them.   

Check out Na's work on her website nawangdesign.com 
See how she has progressed throughout her years at Otis.

Good luck to all our seniors!

- Na & Aida -


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